What is a Story-Centered Curriculum?

Engines for Education has developed a methodology that eliminates classes, tests, lectures, and even schools themselves. The methodology is called the Story-Centered Curriculum (SCC).

The idea is to create a story that a student will live in for a certain time period that encompasses everything he or she would do in the given time frame. The most effective way to teach new skills is to put learners in the kinds of situations in which they need to use those skills, and to provide mentors (who are expert practitioners) who help learners when they need it. Learners come to understand when, why, and how they should use target skills on the job or in real life. They receive key lessons just-in-time, meaning when they want to know the information, when it will make the most sense to them, and in such a way that learners will be most likely to remember the information later when they need it in their work or life.