Diagnosis and Treatment Archive
Abnormal Bilirubin
What is a bilirubin test?

Bilirubin is a yellowish-brown substance produced when the liver breaks down old red blood cells. Elevated levels of bilirubin cause a yellowing of the skin (jaundice). Click the following links for more information about bilirubin and the bilirubin test:

Things to Know about Bilirubin

This link is a good and simple look at what bilirubin is and how it is formed in the body.

Bilirubin Test Overview 1

This link has good information about how the test is used and performed. You can get additional information by clicking the Next>> link at the bottom of the screen.

Bilirubin Test Overview 2

Note: As you are reviewing the information on how the test is performed, keep in mind that the heel stick test is only used for newborns.


What does abnormal bilirubin mean?

Click here for more information on normal bilirubin values and what abnormal results may indicate.

Note: Bilirubin test results are often broken down into direct bilirubin and indirect bilirubin. For the purposes of this project, you should focus on the total bilirubin score.

Bilirubin is tested as part of a routine liver panel, which also includes:


Possible causes/diagnosis:

Possible causes include: