Diagnosis and Treatment Archive
Abnormal Colonoscopy Findings
What is a colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is an exam of the large intestine or colon. This procedure allows doctors to identify instances of colon cancer and explain other symptoms. Review the following links for more information, including why doctors may perform a colonoscopy.

Colonoscopy Overview

This link provides a good overview of the colonoscopy exam, including how and why it is performed.

Why the test is performed

This link provides additional information about why this test is performed. It includes reasons the first link doesn't cover.


What does it mean to have an abnormal colonoscopy finding?

Click here for more information on normal colonoscopy results and what abnormal findings may indicate.


Possible causes/diagnosis:

Possible causes for an abnormal colonoscopy include:


Science Links

Digestive System, including the role of the liver in digestion

This link includes a great, interactive diagram to help you learn about the anatomy of organs related to digestion and the digestive process itself.