Diagnosis and Treatment Archive
(Abnormal CBC) Abnormal Hemoglobin
What is a Hemoglobin test?

Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells. To learn more about hemoglobin and what it does, click here.

Note: This source starts with a good overview of hemoglobin. Click the Next>> link at the bottom of the page for more information on how the test is performed.


What does it mean to have abnormal hemoglobin?

Click here for information about the normal results of a hemoglobin test and what abnormal results may indicate.

Related tests:

Hemoglobin is tested as part of a complete blood count (CBC). To learn more about CBC, click the following links:

CBC Overview (Lab Tests Online)

CBC Overview (WebMD)


Possible causes/diagnosis:

Some possible causes for abnormal hemoglobin include:


Science Links

What is blood?

This link has good information on what blood is made up of and the functions it serves in the body.