Diagnosis and Treatment Archive
Abnormal Liver Biopsy
What is a liver biopsy?
A liver biopsy is an invasive procedure that obtains a small sample of liver tissue that can be tested for certain diseases. Click here for more information on a liver biopsy, including how the procedure is performed.

Note: A biopsy is a last resort, used only when other methods don't present strong enough evidence to support a diagnosis of liver disease. Like any invasive procedure, a liver biopsy has associated risk, specifically the risk of bleeding after the procedure. Patients with a low platelet count are especially prone to post-operative bleeding.

Image: Liver biopsy


What does it mean to have an abnormal liver biopsy?

An abnormal liver biopsy indicates problems with the liver tissue. Click here for information on normal values and what abnormal results may indicate. (Note: Please scroll down to read about the results.)


Possible causes/diagnosis:

Possible causes include:


Science Links

Healthy Liver Function

This article clearly explains the liver and its basic functions. It has excellent images to help you understand liver anatomy, as well as compare healthy and diseased livers.

Understanding the Liver

This self-paced tutorial offers great information on the liver using easy-to-understand language and graphics. At this site you will also find information on various liver diseases and liver transplants. In the beginning of the course you may want to focus on overall liver function and come back to some of the more detailed information later.