Plant Plague

How to Complete the Enrichment Activities

The Plant Plague rotation lasts approximately two weeks. In addition to the two weeks of work in the rotation, you will have two days to work on enrichment activities. Enrichment is designed to be flexible. The activities should focus on topics that relate to this rotation, but you should choose or design projects that you find interesting. You may decide to complete one in depth activity that takes two days to complete, or you may want to complete two activities that each take one day to complete.

Early in the rotation you should review the list of possible projects and decide where you would like to start. You can get an idea of all the activities you want to work on in the rotation, but remember enrichment is flexible. As your work in the main story line progresses, you may come across a topic that interests you. Feel free to pursue new ideas and projects, just be sure to work with your mentor and manage your time. As the rotation progresses, meet with your mentor periodically to review your progress on enrichment.

Remember enrichment is your opportunity to investigate topics that interest you. It’s also a chance to be creative! You have a chance to break away from paper writing for a while. Though you can still write papers if you want to, you could also write songs, shoot videos, build websites, create posters and flyers – anything you can think of! So take some time to get out of your classroom, learn about things going on in the world around you and have fun!

Plan your Enrichment Activities

  1. Review the list of enrichment activities. Make a list of the activities that you might like to work on independently during the Hospital Finance rotation.

  2. Come up with your own ideas. If you have other ideas for activities you would like to pursue that relate to the topic of medical investigation, add them to the list.

  3. Prioritize and narrow your choices. You have a total of three days to complete your enrichment activities. Think about which topics or activities are most appealing to you. Then consider how you would like to investigate those topics.

  4. Create a plan for completing at least one enrichment activity. Your plan should include what you want to do and how you will do it. Use the Enrichment Activity Plan Template to help you think through the details of each enrichment activity. Refer to the example provided for ideas on how your plan might work. Then finalize your plan for each enrichment activity.

Get Approval for Enrichment Activities

  1. Meet with your mentor and review your plans for each of the enrichment activities you want to pursue during this rotation. Together, brainstorm additional ways you might approach the activities. Discuss the best way to fit the activities into the rotation schedule.

  2. Note any feedback your mentor provides during your discussion and revise your Enrichment Activity Plan.

Conduct your Enrichment Activity

  1. Implement your Enrichment Activity Plan based on the schedule you and your mentor agreed to. Work on your project deliverables as you go.

  2. Check in with your mentor according to the schedule you both agreed on when your mentor approved your enrichment plan. During these meetings review progress on your deliverables and schedule.

  3. Submit final deliverables as directed by your mentor.

Enrichment Resources

Enrichment Activity Plan - Template

Enrichment Activity Plan - Sample


Suggested Enrichment Actvities


Description of Enrichment Activity

Approximate Duration

Poisoned by a Fungus

Ergot is a fungus which often infects rye and other grasses. When ingested by humans, ergot acts as a poison and can cause serious medical symptoms, including headaches, vomiting, diarrhea and hallucinations. Scientists now believe that many events in history were caused by ergotism (ergot poisoning), including the strange behavior that culminated in the Salem witch trials.

Conduct internet research on ergot. You may want to use search terms like “ergot and Salem witch trials,” ergotism or “ergot poisoning.” Share what you learn. You may want to write a short story or play. You may want to film a public service announcement or create a website to warn people about the dangers of ergot.

2 days

On the Farm

Visit a working farm. Interview the farm’s manager(s). As part of your interview determine: The types of crops grown on that farm and the typical fungi that infest those types of plants. What methods the farm uses to deal with fungi. How fungi affect the business of the farm. Write a short report describing you visit and interview.


1 day

Ug99 – Alternate Ending

Using the facts and data you have learned about Ug99, write a short story, play or song anticipating what might happen if scientists do not find a solution to the Ug99 problem.


1 day

Science Fair: Grow your own fungus

Conduct research on mold. Determine the conditions in which mold will grow. Design an experiment to grow mold. Carefully record the progress of your experiment and your results. Present your findings in a visual way. You might create a poster or science fair board, build a website, or create a PowerPoint presentation.


Entire rotation

Single-crop Dangers

Because of the prevalence of fungi, it is dangerous too rely to heavily on any one crop. The Irish Potato famine is a good example of what can happen when a population is heavily dependant on a single crop. Research the Irish Potato famine. Using what you learn in your research, develop a resources for farmers, encouraging them to cultivate multiple crops. You might create a brochure, develop a website, write a series of newspaper articles, etc.


1 day

Design your own

Come up with your own idea(s) for an enrichment activity related to some aspect of this rotation.  Write a brief description of your idea and submit it to your mentor for consideration.