While Wikipedia is a valuable resource, unlike some other websites anyone can contribute to or modify the site (whether they're knowledgeable about the topic or not). As a result, the site is subject to constant change by questionable sources. Be sure to cross-check information on Wikipedia with other reputable sites to ensure accuracy.
Working in Teams - This page provides an excellent introduction to working in teams. Read this to set up a positive working atmosphere, including ground rules, for your team.
Working with Others - This page lists key skills and basic tasks that are important in working with others.
Advice on Group Work - There are several pages within in this resource that cover many aspects of working with a group. (Note: Just ignore the references to a "tutor" or read the word as "mentor" for the purposes of this project.)
Topics covered include:
- Why work in a group
- How to be a group
- How I work in groups
- Group roles
- Self/peer evaluation
- Ten Do's and Don't's for a student working in a group
Group Work (leaflet) - This pdf document covers the following areas:
- What is meant by group work? (Contains an excellent section on the roles that must be played in an effective group.)
- What are the benefits of working with others?
- Possible problems and how to overcome them (Describes some unhelpful roles that people can fall into.)
- Future applications of these skills
Collaborative Group Work - This resource has the following sections:
- Getting started
- How can we develop good group dynamics quickly?
- What if our schedules do not permit all of us to meet regularly?
- How can we deal with group conflict?
- How can we work together without wasting time?
- What do we do if a group member is not contributing?
- What do we do if a group member is domineering?
Group Work and Collaborative Writing (from UC Davis) - Click on section 11 in the table of contents for a discussion of writing as a group.
Teamwork - This Wikipedia entry defines the concept of teamwork. It explores some ideas that theorists have written about teamwork, including stages of team development and important team roles.
Nurturing Effective Teamwork -This page gives twelve excellent tips for working well with a team. �
Team Building - This Wikipedia entry defines team building, explains why it is important in society today, and describes important parts of the process.
Twelve Tips for Team Building: How to Build Effective Work Teams (from About.com) - This article lists the “twelve C’s” that need attention in team building, such as clear expectations, context, and commitment.
Teamwork in School, Work and Life (by Hannah Nichols) - This article describes how to be a good team player, a very valuable life skill.