Diagnosis and Treatment Archive
Abnormal Bone Scan
What is a bone scan?

A bone scan is a test designed to identify abnormalities in the metabolism of a patient’s bones. Bones are living cells; they are constantly rebuilding themselves.  In the presence of an injury, however, this activity changes, and a bone scan can detect this change in activity.

Bone Scan Overview
This link offers an overview of the bone scan test, including how it is performed and what diagnoses it can help to confirm. This link also includes pictures showing how a bone scan is performed and comparing a normal and abnormal result.

Image: Bone Scan
This is a normal bone scan of a pelvis, showing a normal pattern of dark areas (no bone activity) and light areas.


What does it mean to have an abnormal bone scan?

An abnormal bone scan indicates there is a problem with the metabolism of a patient’s bones. While it confirms the presence of an abnormality, it doesn’t always help doctors specifically diagnose the cause of a patient’s illness or injury. Further testing is usually required to identify a specific diagnosis.


Possible Causes

Click here for a more detailed list of abnormalities detectable with a bone scan.