Diagnosis and Treatment Archive
What is cirrhosis?

Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver. Just as a cut can leave a scar on your skin, damage to your liver cells can cause a scar. As scar tissue builds up and replaces healthy liver cells, normal liver function is decreased. Click the following links to learn more about cirrhosis.

What is Cirrhosis?

Overview of Cirrhosis

Image: Healthy liver vs. Cirrhotic liver


How do you tell a patient has cirrhosis (what test results indicate a patient has cirrhosis)?

Abnormal liver panel results, including:


Possible causes/diagnosis:

Alcohol Abuse

Chronic Hepatitis B

Chronic Hepatitis C

Science Links

Healthy Liver Function

This article clearly explains the liver and its basic functions. It has excellent images to help you understand liver anatomy, as well as compare healthy and diseased livers.

Understanding the Liver

This self-paced tutorial offers great information on the liver, using easy-to-understand language and graphics. At this site you will also find information on various liver diseases and liver transplants. In the beginning of the course, you may want to focus on overall liver function and come back to some of the more detailed information later.