Sports Medic
Making Presentations/Speaking

Presentation and Speaking Skills

Communication Skills: Making Oral Presentations (from University of Newcastle Upon Tyne) - This is a fine introductory resource for making oral presentations, with the following sections:

  • Preparation
  • Making the Presentation
  • Delivery
  • Visual Aids

Big Dog's Leadership Page- Presentation Skills - This page provides a wealth of tips for giving presentations, including the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • The Voice
  • The Body
  • Active Listening
  • Nerves
  • Questions
  • Preparing the Presentation
  • Habits
  • Tips and Techniques for Great Presentations

Essential Presentation Skills (from Presentation Helper) - This resource focuses on the following three areas:

  • Using Visuals
  • Rehearsing
  • The Rule of 3- The audience will remember three things.
Presentations - This page gives many ideas for preparing throroughly for a presentation. It touches upon issues to consider in giving a presentation as a group. It also gives guidelines for getting feedback from peers beforehand.

Presentation Skills: Team Presentations - This article explains how giving a team presentation is different than giving a solo presentation and gives tips for making everything run smoothly.

Presentation Skills: Body Language - This article addresses the question, "While you’re talking, what is your body saying?"  It gives helpful tips for using your body to support your message.

Speaking - This page comes from a website about debating, but the tips about speaking dynamically can apply to any public speaking that you may do.

Delivering Your Speech (from - This page gives tips for delivering a speech and advice on when to work from a script, notes, or memory.

Presentation Guidelines - This chart gives specific points that you can use to evaluate your own presentation skills.

Using PowerPoint

PowerPoint in the Classroom - This tutorial leads you step by step in using PowerPoint to make an academic presentation.

Writing with PowerPoint - This is OWL's resource on using PowerPoint.

8 Mistakes When Creating PowerPoint Presentations - This is an article about common technical and presentation mistakes to avoid when using PowerPoint.