Sports Medic
Introduction to the case

Dr. Lee Mendoza, Attending Physician
Welcome to Lakeshore Hospital
Welcome to Lakeshore Hospital and to your involvement with our sports injury patients!

Your Job
As a first-year intern, your job is ultimately to evaluate patients—to interview them, examine them, figure out what their condition is, and then recommend treatment. You’ll be closely supervised by more senior physicians (residents and attending physicians). You won’t be expected to jump right into working with patients; we want you to start by first observing and critiquing how a fellow intern has worked through a case. That will help you to become familiar with the process we use to diagnose a patient.

Your First Case Review
A week ago, another intern at Lakeshore, Dr. Sam Miller, handled the case of a fourteen-year-old girl who came in after twisting her ankle during a tennis match. I would like you to review the video, notes, and other evidence from her case to see if you agree with Dr. Miller’s decisions. This is a great way for you to gain experience without the pressure of diagnosing a real patient.

Your Mentor
As a new intern, right out of medical school and just getting your feet wet at Lakeshore Hospital, you will have lots of questions. I will be your mentor physician for the duration of your internship at Lakeshore Hospital. I’ll be guiding you as you observe other physicians do their work, as you work with your fellow interns to diagnose and treat patients, and ultimately as you do more and more of the work on your own. I will send you the materials you need for the case review shortly, along with further instruction on how to get started.

I look forward to working with you!

Best regards,

Lee Mendoza, M.D.

After you have read this email, click on Task 1.1 Critique of Interview and Examination in the left menu.