Since my last contact with you, you have critiqued the tests ordered by Dr. Chang in detail. Now, I’d like you to look at the results of the tests that Dr. Chang ordered as well as his interpretation and use of that information. When receiving test results, the physician has a difficult question to answer: “Given all of the information I have gathered to this point, what is my diagnosis for this patient?”
The first diagnosis on the differential is now the primary focus of the physician’s attention. For the time being, this one diagnosis will be “put on trial.” But the stakes at this point can be high. No physician wants to allow a dangerous condition to go unnoticed and untreated. Failing to solve this mystery correctly can have real consequences.
Critique of the Analysis and Diagnosis
In this portion of the case review, you will review the test results for Jenny Anderson and determine whether Dr. Chang came to the right conclusions in her differential diagnosis. First, examine the x-rays that Dr. Chang ordered. Then, review the changes that Dr. Chang made to her differential based upon the addition of the x-ray results to his body of information about the patient. Finally, review the diagnosis Dr. Chang chose, to assess whether she made the best possible decision.
The critique template lays out all of the materials to consider. Please complete it with your rationales for your conclusions.
Lee Mendoza, M.D.