Our constituents have voiced concern that some products in supermarkets contain genetically modified crops that may be dangerous. People in the agricultural industry tell us that the GM products are great because they reduce the use of chemical pesticides and increase nutritional value. Industry also argues that controls are already in place to ensure the products are safe for consumption. As we revisit the use of genetic modification we need an objective perspective on these issues to answer questions people raise and to help us determine if further actions are warranted.
We would like you to use the two following situations as a basis to discuss the genetic modification of crops: 1) modifying potatoes to increase their nutritional value, and 2) modifying corn to be resistant to pests. We are interested in addressing GM crops generally; use these as concrete examples to discuss the science and ethics of genetically modifying crops.
During your presentation please answer the following questions, considering both of the above situations:
Why would we want to genetically modify crops? What problems are being dealt with?
How are plants modified to have increased nutritional value? Resistance to pets?
Are there other ways to solve this problem?
What are the differences between selective breeding and genetic modification?
What are the main reasons people are resistant to the introduction of GM crops?
How receptive is the general public to GM crops?
What impact may GM crops have on trade, both domestic and international?
What are the ecological arguments for and against GM crops?
What are the ethical issues related to the genetic modification of crops?
Ultimately, do you recommend genetically engineering potatoes to increase the nutritional value?
Ultimately, do you recommend genetically engineering corn to make the less susceptible to pests?
You may include other information you feel the committee will benefit from knowing about. The same members will be present for this presentation so you do not need to repeat information from your first presentation unless you feel revisiting the point enhances the new material. As in the first presentation, following this presentation will be a question and answer session. Please prepare accordingly.