Submit Your Work
Submit the following deliverables for this task:
- The completed Eating Patterns and Behaviors Template
- Your Diet & Exercise Journal for four days
- The Client Questionnaire that you created and filled out
- The Client Assessment Template that you completed as part of your self-assessment
- Your responses to the Reflection Questions for this task
Please name your documents as follows:
- [YourLastName]_OYOA_EatingPatternsBehaviorsTemplate.doc
- [YourLastName]_OYOA_MyDiet&ExcerciseJournal[Date=YYMMDD].doc
- [YourLastName]_OYOA_MyClientQuestionnaire[Date=YYMMDD].doc
- [YourLastName]_OYOA_MyClientAssessmentTemplate[Date=YYMMDD].doc
- [YourLastName]_OYOA_MyReflectionQuestions[Date=YYMMDD].doc
Submit your deliverables as directed by your mentor.