Nutrition Advisor
 Step-By-Step Guide

Step-By-Step Guide

How to Advise a Client by Email:
Pat Niren asked you to respond to a question from The Westside Teen Nutrition Clinic Web Site. Research the question as appropriate so you can ground your answer in science that is easy to understand.

  1. Review Pat Niren’s email. It may be helpful to print the email and highlight the important points.

  2. Read the question and determine what is being asked. Meet with your team. Read the question from the clinic web site and start by asking yourselves what exactly you have been asked to do.

  3. Prepare to respond to the question.

    • Open a new Microsoft Word document.

    • Copy and paste the Vitamin question from Pat Niren’s email into the blank document. Follow the format of the sample email from your supervisor and write your answer after the question.

    • Remember to address the client by name and sign the email as the Virtual Nutrition Advisor (do not use your real name).

    • Save your template using the filename specified in the Submit your work section.
  1. Draft your email response.

    • Use the Resources available to help you understand the science so you can then explain it in your response. To help you arrive at an answer that will be both thorough and educational, there are several resources available to you. You can review the sample answer that your supervisor provided to get an idea of how detailed your response needs to be. Also, you may refer to A Bit of Chemistry for Nutritionists available in the Resources section for information on vitamins and minerals that will help you explain the science behind the question.

    • Take notes as you do research. You may find that there is a lot of science content to grapple with as you prepare to answer the question. So, as you do your research, it may be helpful to take notes. Once you think you have gathered enough information, organize your notes in a structured way to help you prepare to draft your email response. Work with your team to be sure you all understand the science and agree upon what your answer should be.
    • Draft a response using the template you created. Remember to directly answer the question, grounding your answer in science. Focus your response around specific differences between vitamins and minerals. Provide examples of each and talk about their unique function in the human body. This is your opportunity to educate the clinic’s audience, so be as detailed as you can, keeping in mind that your answers should be easy for a teenager to understand.
  1. Review your work.

    • Did you provide a thorough response to the question?

    • Did you ground your answer in science?
  1. Submit your work. Review the checklist located on the Submit your work section of this task and submit the response to your mentor.