Diagnosis and Treatment Archive
Lateral Ankle Sprain
What is a lateral ankle sprain?

A lateral ankle sprain is the most common of all sports injuries.  A sprain is a stretching or tearing of ligaments.  Ankle sprains are graded based on their severity, with a Grade 1 sprain being the most mild and a Grade 3 sprain being the most severe.

Lateral Ankle Sprain - arthroscopy.com

This link offers information on the ankle’s anatomy, including exactly where different grades of sprain may occur. It also provides good examples of X-rays showing sprains.

Lateral Ankle Sprain Overview - University of Connecticut
This link provides information on lateral ankle sprains, including the three grades doctors use to rate the severity of the injury.

What clinical findings (signs, symptoms, and test results) indicate a lateral ankle sprain?

Test Results

Treatment Options

Treatment depends on the severity of the injury. Most commonly a low grade injury can be treated using the RICE Method.

Treatment Overview - arthroscopy.com
This comprehensive overivew includes diagrams and x-ray images.

Rehabilitation Overview
To reduce instances of chronic ankle instability, patients should have some rehabilitation after the injury heals. Click on this link for information about rebuilding strength in a previously injured ankle.

Treatment Overview - dentalplans.com
This link explains how treatment should progress after the injury. It also provides some good information about how various treatments help the injury.  Pay special attention to the role of ice, as the information here will help you understand how to treat other instances of swelling. Scroll down to the “Ligaments” heading to review the information.


Science Links

A Patient’s Guide to Ankle Anatomy
Complete with excellent diagrams, this link will help you understand how the anatomy of the ankle, including various parts (bones, joints, muscles, tendons, etc) and how they work together.

Diagram: Ankle Anatomy
This link offers a diagram of Muscular and Skeletal Anatomy of Ankle and Foot (Anterior View).

Interactive Anatomy of the Ankle
This link provides an interactive look at the bones and muscles in the ankle.

How you feel pain
This link describes the types of pain, how we feel pain and how pain may manifest itself.

Why do I have pain?
Written for kids, this site gives a good, but simple overview on pain and how experiencing pain can actually help our bodies.

RICE Method
Acute sports injuries are often treated with the RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation). Click here for an overview of this treatment plan.