Diagnosis and Treatment Archive
Abnormal Blood Sugar (Glucose)
What is a blood sugar test ?

A blood sugar or blood glucose test is a simple blood test that measures the amount of sugar in a patient's blood. Click here to learn more about the blood glucose test, including how the test is performed.

Note: In the link, you will see information on several kinds of blood glucose tests. For the purposes of this project, you should concentrate on the fasting blood sugar test.


What does it mean to have abnormal blood sugar?

Click here for more information on normal blood sugar levels and what abnormal results may indicate. As you review the possible abnormal results, keep in mind that abnormally high values and abnormally low values are both indicative of problems.


Possible causes/diagnosis:

Possible causes of abnormal blood sugar are:

Science Links

What is blood?

This link has good information on what blood is made up of and the functions it serves in the body.